Blogs — cbd oil
CBD Questions answered!
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
What are the benefits of CBD — and is it safe to use? CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis plants. Unlike its relative, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not cause a “high” or intoxication. There is some evidence that CBD may have therapeutic effects, including reducing anxiety, relieving pain, and improving sleep. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects. CBD products are not currently regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Epidiolex is the only CBD product that has been approved by the FDA for use in treating certain forms of epilepsy. Many CBD products...
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- Tags: CBD, cbd oil, cbdoil, thelittlecbdcompany
New CBD Vapes, Gummies and Creams!
Posted by Jordan Acheson on
If you have visited us in store recently, you’ll have noticed that our Cannabidiol (CBD) range has vastly expanded with the introduction of Orange County CBD vapes, edible gummies, topical creams and 30ml full spectrum oils. Considering this, let’s take a quick dive into the available research on CBD, so you can make an informed decision about how these products may be of benefit to you. CBD is Anti-inflammatory Burstien’s (2015) research review examining the effects CBD has on the broad area of inflammation is an intriguing, but complex, incite to how CBD interacts with inflammatory signaling pathways and downstream...
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- Tags: CBD, cbd oil, thelittlecbdcompany
CBD also a nootropic?
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Let’s start off by defining what Nootropic means – simply put Nootropic is a term used to describe a compound or substance that may improve cognitive function, memory, creativity or motivation in healthy individuals. Caffeine, L-theanine, ashwagandha, Ginkgo biloba and creatine are also commonly classified Nootropics, along with CDB (Cannabidiol). Nootropics have been shown to provide the following benefits: Heightened learning & memory formation Improved focus, concentration & memory recall Better mental performance under stress Reduced anxiety Protection against oxidative damage Early research suggests that CBD offers a number of health benefits related to cognitive function, making...
Which CBD Oil really works.
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
CBD Oil is being touted as natures little miracle. It appears to help with virtually every health condition on one way or another and the feedback I get from my customers is literally amazing. I stock a specific CBD Oil which is 100% Natural and free from fertilizers and chemicals, a brand called Love CBD. So What is CBD oil? CBD is the name of a compound found in the cannabis plant. It is one of numerous compounds found in the plant that are called cannibinoids. Researchers have been looking at the potential therapeutic uses of CBD. Oils that contain...
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- Tags: canabbis extract, cbd oil
What is CBD Oil?
Posted by Mark Hamilton on