Blogs — Keep healthy
Osteoporosis, bone health and supplements
Posted by Jordan Acheson on
Osteoporosis is a condition which predominantly affects the elderly and is characterised by a weakening of the bones which increases an individual's risk of fragility fractures. Whilst there are numerous factors which influence bone density, calcium and vitamin D deficiency is of high concern. Vitamin D has many functions within the body, one of which is an aid for calcium absorption in the small intestine (Bringhurst et al., 2005). Adequate absorption of dietary calcium is essential to maintain blood calcium levels and prevent excessive amounts being drawn from bone tissue (Sunyecz, 2008). Therefore, the age related decline in gut function is an...
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- Tags: Keep healthy, osteoparosis, probiotics, Vitamin D
The Bad Boy of Omega 3's is here and it's amazing!
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
The health benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids are well established within the scientific community. As well as playing a crucial role in cardiovascular health, they are central to the development and functioning of the brain, musculoskeletal system and much more. The human body is unable to make these fatty acids and must therefore obtain them from food (e.g. oily fish) or supplementation. The ethyl ester form of fish oil occurs when natural triglyceride oil is concentrated and molecularly distilled to remove mercury and other impurities. The result of this process is concentrated (50-70%) omega-3 molecules in an ethyl ester...
Antibiotic Armageddon is Upon us – What can we do?
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Fight Infections naturally like we have done for millions of years. With the call to reduce the number of antibiotics used both in farming and via prescription, how can we reduce our personal dependence on antibiotics? Fears over pandemics of Australian Flu, Ebola outbreaks worldwide and Tuberculosis make regular headlines and for the elderly, poorly or very young these are especially serious threats to health. Promote natural immunity Gastrointestinal integrity – the gut is crucial as a key player in mucosal defence and as a protective barrier against pathogens. Eat a diet abundant in organic vegetables, fruit and raw unsalted...