Blogs — runners

The Bad Boy of Omega 3's is here and it's amazing!

Posted by Mark Hamilton on

The Bad Boy of Omega 3's is here and it's amazing!

The health benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids are well established within the scientific community. As well as playing a crucial role in cardiovascular health, they are central to the development and functioning of the brain, musculoskeletal system and much more. The human body is unable to make these fatty acids and must therefore obtain them from food (e.g. oily fish) or supplementation. The ethyl ester form of fish oil occurs when natural triglyceride oil is concentrated and molecularly distilled to remove mercury and other impurities. The result of this process is concentrated (50-70%) omega-3 molecules in an ethyl ester...

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If your a runner you must read this.

Posted by Mark Hamilton on

If your a runner you must read this.

When you run, you sweat. The more you sweat, the more your blood volume decreases. The more your blood volume decreases, the harder your heart has to work to deliver oxygen to your working muscles.   Although it doesn’t supply calories, vitamins, or minerals, water is essential for virtually every bodily function. It aids digestion, cushions organs, and keeps your body temperature from rising to lethal levels during exercise. In fact, H2O is so important that it accounts for 55 to 65 percent of your weight.   Just like cramming for a test, binge (water) drinking the morning of a...

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