Blogs — memory
CBD also a nootropic?
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Let’s start off by defining what Nootropic means – simply put Nootropic is a term used to describe a compound or substance that may improve cognitive function, memory, creativity or motivation in healthy individuals. Caffeine, L-theanine, ashwagandha, Ginkgo biloba and creatine are also commonly classified Nootropics, along with CDB (Cannabidiol). Nootropics have been shown to provide the following benefits: Heightened learning & memory formation Improved focus, concentration & memory recall Better mental performance under stress Reduced anxiety Protection against oxidative damage Early research suggests that CBD offers a number of health benefits related to cognitive function, making...
Lets grow old disgracefully, fighting the aging process as we go!
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Get rid of inflammation to stay healthy in older age. Health experts now recognise that inflammation is at the root of many of today’s illnesses, including many of the conditions associated with advancing age These include dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and osteoarthritis. While acute inflammation is a normal part of the body’s healing response, it’s the persistent, low-grade (chronic) inflammation that many people live with that slowly erodes health and vitality. Studies show that two to four-fold elevations in circulating levels of pro-inflammatory markers (such as C-reactive protein and interleukin are typically found in the elderly when...
Are you losing you mind?
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Memory loss is a worry for all of us, especially when we get older in years. One of the worst and cruelest conditions is alzeimers and dementia. Here we look at some of the supplements on the market that have recieved some very positive research where brain health and memory are concerned. If you are worried about your mental health then this is worth a read. PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE (PS) – PS is the major phospholipid in the brain and is embedded in cell membranes, and along with other phospholipids, makes up the basic structural components ofthecellmembrane. Thesemembranephospholipidsplayanimportantroleincelltocell communication, membrane fluidity, and...