Blogs — lowering blood pressure
What is blood pressure?
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Blood Pressure Definitely an area of concern with many of my customers. There are certainly lifestyle adjustments we can take into account , along side some excellent supplements that would be beneficial. Blood pressure refers to the pressure of your blood in your arteries. If the pressure is too low then you may struggle to pump adequate levels of oxygen and nutrients around the body which can cause light headedness and fainting, too high then over time this may cause the heart to enlarge and become less efficient at pumping. Long term hypertension increases the risk of heart attacks and...
Lowering High Blood Pressure Naturally
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
High blood pressure Vitamin C – vitamin C is important in supporting the adrenal glands and is required for vascular flexibility. Studies have shown that vitamin C supplementation can result in a modest BP reduction of 5mm Hg in those with raised BP . Vitamin E - Vitamin E provides significant benefit in protecting against heart disease and stroke. The Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study showed in 2000 subjects with existing heart disease, that after 510 days on either 400 or 800 IU/day of vitamin E experienced a significant 47% reduction in cardiovascular disease death. Some of the protective effects of...