Dealing with Cold Sores Naturally.

Posted by Mark Hamilton on

Its that time of year when our immune systems start working overtime and stress levels go up. Its cold sore season for many now and as a person who has the virus myself, here is what I would recommend to anyone suffering from the virus.

Herpes Simplex (cold sores)

Lysine: The amino acid, lysine, has been shown to prevent the recurrence of, and speed recovery from, cold sores. Another amino acid in the body, arginine, promotes the cold sore virus and lysine works by blocking the activity of arginine. Supplementing with lysine and reducing the intake of arginine-rich foods is an effective weapon against the cold sore virus. Foods to avoid include: nuts and seeds and chocolate.

Ester C vitamin C exerts anti-viral effects that can help haltthespreadofinfectionbyraisingimmunecell vigilance and inhibiting viral replication. Vitamin C at doses from 500mg to 3g daily shows good promise in cases of HSV infection.

Zinc like vitamin C, also possesses direct antiviral action. This includes antiviral activity against several viruses that cause the common cold.


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