Viridian Organic Plantain 50ml
What is Plantain?
Plantain leaf, Plantago lanceolata L. and P. major L. [Fam. Plantaginaceae], has a long history of traditional use as a medicine, dating back to ancient Roman and Greek times. Some of the traditional uses of plantain leaf include as an astringent, demulcent and diuretic. Plantain commonly known as Ribwort, has many medicinal virtues and is listed in the German Commission E Monographs for treating catarrh of the respiratory passages and inflammation of the mouth and throat. Traditionally, plantain is most often used internally to suppress coughs and soothe mucous membrane inflammation associated with bronchitis, colds and upper respiratory congestion.
Is plantain an EXPECTORANT
plantain acts as a gentle expectorant whilst also soothing inflamed and sore membranes, making it ideal for coughs and mild bronchitis. It is used to suppress coughs associated with bronchitis, colds, and upper respiratory inflammation, and to reduce skin inflammation (Tyler, 1994). Plantain is employed as a component in numerous antitussive and expectorant medicines, such as the instant antitussive tea Bronchostad (Wichtl and Bisset, 1994). The Commission E approved the internal use of plantain for catarrhs of the respiratory tract and inflammatory alterations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa.
plantain contains demulcent compounds known as mucilage. Mucilages are polysaccharides, which form part of a normal cell structure, such as in the leaves, bark and seeds of certain plants and are commonly used in gastrointestinal disorders, such as ulcers, constipation, diarrhoea, colitis and reflux.
the fresh juice of the plantain herb has a proven bactericidal effect due to the presence of saponins and the glycoside – aucubin. The Commission E have reported astringent and antibacterial activity.
Results showed that the water-soluble compounds, namely aucubin, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid and vanillic acid, enhanced the activity of human lymphocyte proliferation and secretion of IFN-gamma (interferon).
Dosage - Take 15-30 drops, 2-3 times daily in a little fruit juice or water. Children under 12, half adult amount.
Potential uses of Plantain
Cough/bronchitis, nervous and dry coughing, common cold, nasal and middle ear catarrhal conditions, fevers and colds, inflammation of the mouth and pharynx, inflammation of the skin, gastritis, hay fever, painful and irritating urinary conditions, peptic ulceration, colitis, gastroenteritis.