Viridian Essential Vegan Multivitamin Complex
What is Viridian's Essential Vegan Multi?
A Vegan or a ‘plant-based’ diet is one that consumes only fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts but excludes any foods derived from animals including meat, eggs and dairy. Ensuring a good, varied intake of starchy carbohydrates, beans, pulses, seeds, nuts, fruit and veg will encourage a balanced intake of the key macronutrients. However, there are numerous micronutrients which can only be derived from animal sources or very limited within plant sources and so it is imperative that these are considered and potentially supplemented with to prevent deficiencies.
Suboptimal intakes of vitamins and minerals are remarkably common not only in vegans but also in those following a non-vegan diet because of unhealthy eating, nutrient losses though food processing and storage and increased nutritional requirements due to factors such as alcohol use and chronic diseases. For this reason, leading experts such as Harvard Medical School recommend a daily multivitamin as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.There is a strong scientific rationale for the use of multivitamins as a safe and effective means of ensuring daily nutritional adequacy and promoting optimal health.
What can the vegan Multivitamin help with?
Fatigue and tiredness are common symptoms and can be caused by lack of vitamins and minerals, which are involved in normal energy metabolism. A review of nine clinical studies found that daily use of multivitamins can improve cognitive function, mood and reduce mental fatigue. In one such study women who took a multivitamin for nine weeks had measurably improved cognitive function and reduced mental fatigue during a mentally demanding test.
Vitamins and minerals are essential for proper function of the nervous system and play an important role in mood and emotional health. A review of eight studies evaluating the effects of multivitamins on mood found that supplementation can reduce feelings of stress, improve mild symptoms of depression and anxiety and enhance aspects of everyday mood. For example, a group of healthy adults between the ages of 20 to 50 years who took a daily multivitamin for 16-weeks significantly reduced their feelings of stress, physical fatigue and anxiety compared to placebo. Vitamin B5 is also thought to play an important role in the stress response, with experimental studies suggesting vitamin B5 deficiency may result in adrenal hypofunction and an inability to respond appropriately to stress.
Low micronutrient intake can increase oxidative stress and accelerate DNA damage and mitochondrial decay subsequently giving rise to age-associated diseases; these processes could be offset by ensuring daily micronutrient intake with a multivitamin.
Due to vitamin B12 being predominantly found in animal sources, B12 levels are often found to be sub-optimal in those following a vegan diet. Long term, low B12 levels can lead to an increased risk of hyperhomocysteinemia. Several observational studies have identified that those following a strict vegan or vegetarian diet have a significantly increased risk of hyperhomocysteinemia due to higher circulating levels of homocysteine. An Austrian research group found that although folate and thiamine levels were not found to be deficient in those following a well-planned vegan diet, Vitamins B12 and B2 were found to be significantly lower which in turn lead to a higher percentage in this population group experiencing elevated homocysteine levels.
Iron can be consumed from food as two different types, haem- iron and non-haem iron. Haem-iron is the form found in meat sources, whereas non-haem iron is only found in plant sources. Although, both are a source of iron, non-haem iron is not as well absorbed by the gut suggesting that those who do not consume meat may be at risk of a lower iron status. Additionally, the high level of oxalates found in many raw fruit and vegetables impair the absorption of non-haem iron. A German based, cross sectional study on young women concluded that although iron intake was higher in those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, 40% were still considered to be iron deficient. These findings were also supported by a systematic review and meta-analysis reviewing the effects of a vegetarian diet on the iron status of adults.
Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread problem particularly in the UK and exacerbates osteopenia, osteoporosis, and fractures in adults and has been associated with increased risk of common illness including autoimmune disease, heart disease and infectious illness. Dietary sources of vitamin D are most commonly animal derived including fish and eggs with very small amounts being obtained from plant sources such as mushrooms.
Biotin – is a water soluble, B vitamin which is necessary for healthy hair, skin and nails. Found in large amounts in eggs and other animal sources, ensuring adequate biotin intake maybe an issue in those following a plant-based diet.
Choline – Rich in foods such as eggs, poultry and dairy foods, choline intake can often be overlooked in a plant-based diet. Choline has been demonstrated to be essential for cognitive health as it acts as a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine required for nerve transmission and functioning of the brain. In a community-based population study, results revealed that those with a long-term higher intake of choline in the diet had better cognitive performance.
Iodine – is an essential nutrient for the function of the thyroid gland as it is required to produce the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
Zinc deficiency is common with approximately 1 in 10 people not meeting their recommended daily intake. Even marginal zinc intakes may result in DNA damage and increased oxidative stress. Zinc deficiency has been linked to a delay in growth, diarrhoea, infections and reduced psychological performance. 20 A Swiss study investigating the micronutrient status intake in omnivores, vegetarians and vegans found as high as 47% of the vegan group were deficient in zinc.
Vitamin B12 deficiency becomes more common with age and those following a vegan or vegetarian diet and may have serious consequences. Deficiency and suboptimal intakes may have important implications for cognitive and mental health. Supplementation is the preferred means of correcting and preventing B12 deficiency.
Iodine content in food of plant
Studies have therefore highlighted a higher prevalence of iodine deficiency in those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. Fields and Borak conclude that ‘pregnant vegetarians and vegans are a population at particular risk of iodine deficiency and should use iodine containing vitamins’.
• Vitamin B6 suboptimal status is associated with age related diseases such as impaired cognitive function, Alzheimer's disease and heart disease.28 Low intakes of vitamin B6 increase with age and may also be low in vegetarian diets.29
DOSAGE: One capsule daily with food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
CONTRAINDICATIONS - Those with conditions that involve excess iron storage, sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia, hemochromatosis, polycythaemia and hemosiderosis should avoid supplements containing iron.
Patients with sarcoidosis are at risk of hypercalcemia when supplementing vitamin D and should be assessed by their doctor before embarking on supplementation.
PREGNANCY AND BREAST-FEEDING – Not recommended during pregnancy or breast-feeding, please refer to the Pregnancy Complex.
DRUG INTERACTIONS - Should not be used with anticoagulants, due to a possible interaction.
RELATED PRODUCTS - Vegan EPA and DHA oil, Organic Omega 3:6:9 Oil, Calcium, Magnesium and Boron Powder and Synerbio Daily.
Essential Vegan Multi is a balanced multivitamin designed especially for people following a full or part-time plant-based diet. Formulated with 27 essential vitamin and mineral nutrients, all from vegan sources and designed to help fill the nutritional gaps in vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian regimes. Includes high therapeutic levels of B12 and Iron to support normal energy levels and brain function, vegan-friendly vitamin K2 and D3 for bone strength, and choline for healthy liver function. It also contains Biotin which contributes to healthy skin, hair and nails. Essential Vegan Multi is formulated to provide optimum utilization by the body and developed in a pure wholefood base of spirulina, alfalfa, and bilberry.
- Easy one-a-day complete multivitamin contained in a vegan capsule.
- Suitable for vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians
- 100% active ingredients; no binders, fillers or additives.
- Gluten-free
- Never tested on animals, palm oil-free, GMO-free and approved by the Vegan Society.
- Available in 7, 30 and 90 caps