Viridian Magnesium, B6 and Saffron 60 Capsules
What does Magnesium, Vitamin B6 and Saffron do?
Saffron (Crocus sativus) has a long history of use for improving mood and mental health. A traditional Chinese medicine text from the Mongol dynasty for example states that “long-term ingestion causes a person’s heart to be happy,” and considerable modern research supports this traditional mood enhancing use of saffron.
Magnesium is an abundant mineral in the body with an average 25g and 60% of this found in bones. Magnesium is a cofactor in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and is therefore vital for a number of cellular processes including oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis, DNA transcription and protein synthesis. Magnesium deficiency and general low magnesium levels has been linked to a number of diseases and health issues including cardiovascular disease, cognitive disorders, osteoporosis, anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue. Research has linked poor levels of magnesium status with depression and low mood and several studies have shown benefits of supplementing with magnesium supplements for low mood, depression and anxiety. Low magnesium levels are due to their depletion in a variety of foods so supplemental doses of magnesium for many bodily functions is more necessary than ever.
Vitamin B6 is required for the correct functioning of more than 60 different enzymes and is involved in the formation of body proteins and structural compounds, neurotransmitters, red blood cells, and prostaglandins. Vitamin B6 may also play an important role in maintaining hormonal balance and gene regulation. Deficiency of vitamin B6 is characterised by cracking of the lips and tongue and in more severe cases depression, seizures and cardiovascular disease. Researchers have found that the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 has significant effects on reducing anxiety-related premenstrual symptoms including nervous tension, mood swings, irritability and anxiety.
Magnesium supplements have been shown to be beneficial in a number of aspects in female health including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual migraine headaches, painful periods (dysmenorrhea) and hot flushes as well as improved pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes. Women with PMS have been shown to have low red blood cell magnesium content compared to women who do not have PMS.10 An early study of magnesium found that 360 mg per day for 2 months reduced PMS related mood changes compared to placebo. Another study found that a daily supplement of 200 mg magnesium was also superior to placebo for the reduction of mild PMS symptoms of fluid retention.
Studies have been performed using the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 and found that compared to placebo, had a significant impact on PMS symptoms including cravings, water retention and anxiety.
This finding was also supported by a randomised, double-blind cross over study which concluded that magnesium with B6 was beneficial in reducing PMS related anxiety. A systematic review of nine clinical trials examining the effect of vitamin B6 in PMS found benefit in the treatment of premenstrual symptoms and premenstrual depression.
Saffron has also been shown to provide beneficial effects on women suffering with PMS. A group of women aged 20-45 years with regular menstrual cycles and PMS symptoms received 15mg saffron twice daily or placebo for two menstrual cycles (cycles 3 and 4). Treatment with saffron was found to be very well tolerated and effective in relieving depressive and overall PMS symptoms.
Saffron for MENOPAUSE
The primary change during the peri/post menopausal period is the reduction in the activity of the ovaries and the subsequent reduced capacity to produce the sex hormone oestrogen. Whilst the adrenal glands and adipose tissue may continue to produce some oestrogen, it is a small amount and far lower than that of a woman of reproductive age.
Following positive findings for the effect of saffron on depression in young and middle aged individuals, a group of researchers evaluated the effect of saffron in 60 menopausal females with major depressive disorder associated with hot flashes. The participants were randomly allocated to 15mg saffron twice daily or placebo for 6 weeks. A significant positive interaction was reported between the saffron intervention and the timeframe to conclude a positive effect on both mood and hot flash severity. i Due to the potential side effects of hormonal therapy, studies such as this look to investigate non-drug alternatives to ease the symptoms of menopause and mood.
Magnesium for DEPRESSION
Magnesium Citrate is one of the most important essential mineral for the regulation of mood, however, deficiency is very common and has been correlated with increased incidence of anxiety and depression. Supplemental doses of magnesium can be effective for improving mood and in a series of case studies magnesium aided recovery from treatment of resistant depression. Depressive symptoms that improved after magnesium supplementation included headache, anxiety, irritability, insomnia and short-term memory loss.
A study reviewing the effects of magnesium supplementation of 450 mg daily for 12 weeks against an antidepressant drug (Ipramine) in type 2 diabetics who are high risk group for magnesium deficiency. It found that magnesium was highly effective in treating depression and as effective as the anti-depressant medication.
To date, six clinical trials have found saffron (15 mg extract twice per day) to be effective as a standalone therapy for the treatment of mild to moderate depression.These studies have revealed that saffron is superior to placebo and as efficacious as treatment with a tricyclic antidepressant or a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Further, it was found that saffron was equally well or significantly better tolerated than these antidepressant medications.
A systematic review of clinical trials on saffron for depression concluded that there is sufficient initial support for the use of saffron for mild to moderate depression.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are frequently associated with sexual dysfunction and can affect desire, arousal, and orgasm. The addition of saffron to SSRI treatment in men and women experiencing sexual dysfunction has been shown to reduce this side effect. In men saffron significantly improved erectile function and intercourse satisfaction. In women saffron improved arousal, pain, and lubrication.
Although no direct comparative studies have been performed the clinical effects of saffron are similar to St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum). Reductions in depression scores with saffron over a six- week period have been shown to be approximately 55%, while those for St John’s Wort vary from 37-62%. 28
Vitamin B6 plasma levels have also been linked to depression. Studies have associated vitamin B6 deficiency with symptoms of depression and those with the lowest level of the vitamin had highest severity and likelihood of depression. This may be explained by the function of vitamin B6 in serotonin production and a study looking at vitamin B6 supplementation in hyperactive children found a significant increase in serotonin levels.
The role of magnesium
Magnesium is also an essential mineral for bone health (bone mineral density), normal muscle function, diastolic blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.. Dietary magnesium intake from dietary sources like fortified foods such as dark green leafy vegetables which are great sources of magnesium, will go some way towards a good dietary allowance. The role of magnesium has been widely studied and Magnesium has also be shown to have positive effects on Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, restless legs syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, bipolar disorder, blood clotting, metabolic syndrome and general normal functioning.
Saffron has traditionally been used to preserve cognitive function with age and modern research supports a protective effect of saffron against Alzheimer’s disease. Two human clinical studies in this area have been published. In the first, treatment of people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease with saffron (30 mg per day) for 16 weeks resulted in significantly better improvements in cognitive function than placebo. In the second study, treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease with saffron was compared to standard medication (donepezil) over 22 weeks. Saffron was found to be as effective as donepezil with a lower incidence of side effects.
Vitamin B6 is important for cognitive function as it plays a role in homocysteine regulation which has shown to be a significant risk factor in cognitive decline. Vitamin B6 supplementation, along with other B vitamins have demonstrated beneficial effects in regards to slowing cognitive decline and improving memory by reducing homocysteine levels.
Suboptimal vitamin B6 status is associated with age related diseases such as impaired cognitive function and Alzheimer's disease.
Magnesium concentrations have also been found to be significantly lower in patients with Alzheimer’s disease compared with their age-matched controls without Alzheimer’s disease. Magnesium concentrations appear to be significantly related to cognitive function.
Saffron has been studied as a potential treatment for stress related overeating. In a group of overweight women, it was found that saffron treatment for 8 weeks resulted in a significant decreased body weight and snacking frequency compared to placebo. “Our results indicate that saffron consumption produces a reduction of snacking and creates a satiating effect that could contribute to body weight loss,” concluded the study investigators.
Dietary magnesium intake Dosage: One capsule twice daily with food or as recommended by a healthcare professional.
Potential applications: Premenstrual symptom, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, mood, emotional eating, weight loss, menopausal symptoms and cognitive health.
Known contraindications
Magnesium supplements are contraindicated in those with renal failure.
At the recommended dose (30 mg daily) saffron is very safe with no known side effects. Avoid if known allergy or sensitivity to saffron or any of its constituents. Reactions to saffron are reported to be rare, compared to other spices.
Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding, due to a lack of sufficient data.
Saffron has been used with antidepressant medication in people with mild to moderate depression and shown to be safe and reduce side effects (possible beneficial interaction).
Interactions: Beneficial interactions may be seen with people taking antiarrhythmic drugs and calcium channel blockers as magnesium can help improve blood pressure. This will need to be monitored by the healthcare professional.
Magnesium dietary magnesium intake should be taken away from fluoroquinolone or tetracycline antibiotics as this impacts absorption of magnesium.
Corticosteroids may increase the loss of vitamin B6. Oral contraceptives have been associated with vitamin B6 depletion.
Useful Links: Scandinavian Rainbow Trout oil/ Organic Flaxseed oil, Essential Female Multi, Myo-Inositol and Folic acid, Fertility for women.
Forms of magnesium used are as Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Citrate and Magnesium Bisglycinate all fantastic sources of magnesium..
Vegan, Veg Caps
Featuring clinically studied saffron (Crocus sativus) extract with high-potency magnesium and vitamin B6 which both contribute to normal functioning of the nervous system.
One capsule provides:
Ingredient | Weight | %EC NRV |
Magnesium (as oxide, citrate and bisglycinate) | 200mg | 53 |
Vitamin B6 | 25mg | 1786 |
Saffron (Crocus sativus) extract (providing 0.3% Safranal, equivalent to 90mg of saffron) |