Viridian Organic Elecampane Tincture 50ml
What does Elecampane Do?
Elecampane is indigenous to Europe and Asia and is now grown organically in the UK. The dried roots and rhizomes (branching part of the root) are collected in the spring or early winter and used in herbal preparations. Elecampane has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years, and was well known to the ancient Greeks.
Elecampane has been prized for its expectorant properties, aiding the discharge of matter from the lungs. It was valued for its ability to promote menstruation, as a tonic and a gentle stimulant, and as a means of promoting perspiration, particularly in relieving the common cold.
Most herbal texts attribute the actions of elecampane to alantolactone.
LUNG TONIC- Elecampane helps with all pulmonary and catarrhal problems, having expectorant and anti-spasmodic effects making this an ideal remedy for the treatment of coughs and bronchitis. It is a specific for irritating bronchial coughs. It may be used wherever copious amounts of catarrh is formed e.g. bronchitis or emphysema. The herb has a dual effect on clearing and soothing the bronchial membranes; firstly through its mucilage (inulin) content it exerts a soothing and relaxing effect and secondly, the essential oils stimulate and function as a potent expectorant.
DIGESTIVE TONIC – the herb is a notable bitter making it a useful stimulant for digestion and the helping the appetite. The carminative (soothing effect on the intestinal tract) effects of Elecampane are partly due to the inulin and mucilage content.
ANTI-PATHOGENIC – Elecampane is also anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-biotic, and anti-bacterial. Isolated alantolactone has been used to treat parasites (e.g. roundworm, threadworm, hookworm, and whipworm).