Viridian Elderberry Throat Spray
What is in Viridian's Organic Elderberry Throat Spray?
What does Elderberry do?
Elder was once nicknamed ‘Mother Nature’s Medicine Chest’, because so many parts of the plant can be used, and each part has a diverse range of potential applications. Elderberries have long been revered as a great source of vitamin C (many times more than oranges). The berries are also known to have anti bacterial properties (McCutcheon et al 1993: 213). Due to the presence of a group of chemicals called ‘Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins’ (the compounds that deliver elderberry’s deep purple colour, also found in red wine), elderberry demonstrates some considerable anti-inflammatory activity via antioxidant mechanisms.
What does Manuka Honey do?
Manuka honey hails from New Zealand and has had huge amounts of press coverage regarding its powerful antibacterial/antimicrobial activity. There are several elements that give manuka this powerful activity. The first is a high concentration of naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is formed in the honey via an enzyme called glucose oxidase, which is released from the hypopharyngeal gland of the bee into nectar to assist in honey formation. Hydrogen peroxide is an almost universal antibacterial, frequently used as a sterilizing agent, and is even secreted by some groups of our own white blood cells. The element of Manuka honey that is most well known, is a compound called ‘Unique Manuka factor‘(UMF). This is a phytochemical compound that is present in large quantities in the nectar taken by bees from the Manuka bush. This compound, whilst identified, is still not hugely understood. Several clinical trials have indicated that the total antibacterial effect of manuka honey is greater in comparison to similarly composed regular honey, indicating that the UMF offers significant enhanced benefit. Viridian’s Manuka honey is from New Zealand and is labeled as AMF 10+. AMF (Active Manuka Factor) is equivalent to UMF.
What does Marshmallow do?
Marshmallow root is a favourite of many herbalists for the relief of sore throats and chesty coughs. It contains a group of very thick, slippery polysaccharides called galacturono-rhamnans, which give a thick demulcent property to this root. The demulcent compounds in marshmallow essentially coat the throat, giving a soothing and cooling sensation, plus offering a certain amount of anti-inflammatory activity. The added benefit of the demulcent properties of the marshmallow root, is that it allows the other active ingredients to stay on throat tissue for longer, thus improving their ability to instigate their therapeutic effects.
What does Aloe Vera do?
Aloe has a long-standing reputation as a natural soothing agent. Like marshmallow, it is very rich in polysaccharides which give it a gelatinous texture. This gelatinous polysaccharide, as well as being soothing and cooling, is also known to be an effective anti-inflammatory (Davis et al 1989: 275). It is most likely that this property is instigated by interacting with series 2 prostaglandin synthesis. Certain polysaccharides within aloe are also known to cause leukocytosis, meaning that they can encourage the migration of white blood cells to the site of infection.
Recommended Dosage for Organic Elderberry Throat Spray.
Take as and when needed, 3-4 sprays at a time and up to 5 times a day.
Potential applications of Elderberry throat spray.
Throat infections - soothing inflamed tissue.
Dry coughs - easing the pain and discomfort of repetitive coughing.
Known Contraindications
Elderberry should not be taken during chemotherapy, as it has been known to alter effects of chemo. Marshmallow root should not be used with any drugs that need to be sucked or broken down in the mouth.