viridiain nutrition antioxidant, protect against oxidative stress

Viridian Antioxidant Formula

  • £13.65

Antioxidant Formula

Antioxidants are compounds that help protect against free radical damage. Antioxidant nutrients such as beta carotene, selenium, vitamin E and C, are very important in helping protect against the development of chronic diseases associated with the ageing process. Current data suggests that a combination of antioxidants will provide greater antioxidant protection than any single nutrient.

  •  VITAMIN C (magnesium ascorbate) – magnesium helps buffer and reduce the acidity of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is required to regenerate vitamin E and is essential in producing the potent free-radical protector GLUTATHIONE. Antioxidant vitamins C and E or their combination can effectively lower the serum cholesterol and LDL levels and raise the serum HDL level in the middle aged-to-elderly healthy individuals. Homocysteine levels correlate significantly inversely to vitamin C levels, the fact of which means a positive vitamin C effect in free radical removal in hyperhomocysteinemia.

  •  VITAMIN E (d-alpha-tocopherol) - Vitamin E is the most important fat-soluble antioxidant present in human and animal tissues. It is found in the lipid-rich areas of cells such as in cell membranes and the brain. It is at these sites where it acts to stabilise and protect against

oxidative damage caused b y free radicals, heavy metals, and environmental toxins. Vitamin E plays an important role in the health and integrity of the lipid-rich nerve cells.

NATURAL BETA CAROTENE (d. salina algae) - Epidemiological studies have shown that people with high intakes of beta-carotene or high blood levels of this nutrient have a reduced risk of various diseases. (van Poppel and Goldbohm, 1995).

Lutein / zeaxanthin – Observational studies have noted that higher dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin is related to reduced risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, two eye conditions for which there is minimal options when it comes to effective prevention. Researchers speculate that these carotenoids may promote eye health through their ability to protect the eyes from light-induced oxidative damage and ageing through both their antioxidant actions as well as their ability to filter out UV light.

Cryptoxanthin - Research suggests that cryptoxanthin may promote the health of the respiratory tract. Serum concentrations of this carotenoid have been found to be associated with improved lung function as measured by functional tests. People who smoke as well as those who inhale second hand smoke have been found to have lower levels of this carotenoid.

Alpha carotene - Research indicates that diets low in alpha-carotene and carotenoids can increase the body’s susceptibility to damage from free radicals. As a result, over the long term, alpha-carotene deficient diets may increase tissue damage from free radical activity.

  •  L-CYSTEINEcysteine is a sulphur rich amino acid found in abundance in hair and skin and plays an important role in the flexibility of the skin. The enzyme glutathione peroxidase contains a large amount of cysteine.

  •  VIRIDIAN GREEN FOOD BLENDthe superfood combination of organic wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa, and bilberry provide an abundance of wholefood micronutrients and phytochemical antioxidants to provide extra synergy and nutritional intake. Viridian choose to use the green food blend as a natural ‘filler’, rather than synthetic excipients, to ensure the product is 100% active.

  •  ZINC (citrate)zinc is involved in many physiological processes. It has a particular importance as an antioxidant due to its functions in the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (copper- zinc SOD). Zinc levels are typically reduced in inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Zinc also appears to play important protective roles in the macula, the brain, (Alzheimer’s disease), immune function, skin health, and prostate function.

  •  L-GLUTATHIONEglutathione is a tripeptide comprising the three amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Its role as a deactivator of free radicals is well established. In the body


A considerable body of scientific evidence documents the major role serotonin in the brain plays in influencing eating behaviour. One of the key findings is that when animals and humans are fed tryptophan-free diets, appetiteissignificantlyincreased,resultinginbingeeating. Adietlowintryptophanleadstolowbrain serotonin levels; as a result the brain senses it is starving and so stimulates the appetite centres in a powerful way. This stimulation results in a preference for carbohydrates.

Dosage -220mg daily or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. Best taken away from other protein containing foods.
Current government proposals have led to conservative restrictions on L-tryptophan dosage (hence 220mg), despite the known benefits of higher dose availability. Currently the Netherlands permits doses of up to 600mg, and Japan that allows 1g to be consumed in supplement form.

No adverse effects noted at normal dosage (up to 2g per day).

Potential applications Depression, insomnia and sleep disorders, eating disorders, weight loss, migraine and tension headaches, motion sickness, fibromyalgia. There is a wealth of evidence that suggests that low serotoninlevelsareacommonconsequenceofmodernliving. Thelifestyleanddietarypracticesofmany people living in this stress-filled era result in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain.

LOW SEROTONIN CHECKLIST – Depleted tryptophan levels can contribute to the following: obesity, sugar cravings and other carbohydrates, bouts of depression, frequent headaches, and vague muscle aches and pains.

Known contraindications L-tryptophan administration is not associated with impairment of visual and co- ordination, cognitive, or memory performance, nor does it elevate threshold for arousal from sleep.

Interactions - Concurrent administration of tryptophan with a mono-amine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor drug may result in serotonin syndrome. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome may include irritability, altered consciousness, double vision, nausea, confusion, anxiety, hyperthermia, increased muscle tone, and rigidity. To help maximise metabolism of tryptophan through to serotonin it has been shown that magnesium, vitamin B6 and B3 can assist conversion.

Low plasma levels of serotonin have been implicated in migraine pathogenesis, and niacin (B3) may act as a negative feedback regulator on the kynurenine pathway to shunt tryptophan into the serotonin pathway, thus increasing plasma serotonin levels


Directions: As a food supplement, take one to three capsules daily with food, or as directed by your healthcare professional.


One capsule provides:

Ingredient Weight %EC NRV

Magnesium ascorbate


Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C) 141mg      
Magnesium 9mg
Grape seed extract 30mg
Natural Beta Carotene/Carotenoid Mix (D.salina) 5mg
(Equiv. to Vitamin A 833ug) 104
Beta Carotene 5mg
Cryptoxanthin 39ug
Alpha Carotene 158ug
Zeaxanthin 32ug
Lutein 25ug
L-Cysteine 50mg
Zinc (citrate) 5mg 50
L-Glutathione 15mg
Selenium (methionine) 100ug 182
Alpha Lipoic acid 10mg
Manganese (citrate) 2mg 100
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 5mg 357
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 5mg 357
Copper (citrate) 0.5mg 50
in a base of alfalfa, spirulina and bilberry