multivitamin and phytonutrients for heart health

Viridian Cardio Multivitamin 60 Capsules

  • £34.55

What is Viridian's Cardio Multivitamin?

Cardio Multi

A specific formulation featuring a blend of supportive combination of vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants to promote cardiovascular health and function. The carefully-selected ingredients in this multi Vitamin Complex  and mineral complex have been scientifically studied with regards to improving blood lipid profiles, promoting endothelial health and maintaining vascular function. May be used to support overall cardiovascular health, in conjunction with a healthy balanced diet and exercise.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) describes a cluster of conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels, including coronary artery diseases, peripheral arterial disease, and aortic disease. As it is a multifactorial disease, an individual can reduce their risk of developing CVD by managing modifiable risk factors, such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and inactivity.

What's in the Viridian Cardio Multi?


What does POMEGRANATE do?

  • Punica granatum L. (pomegranate) is a polyphenol-rich fruit which has been shown to exert antioxidative, antiatherogenic and antihypertensive effects. Containing over 100 bioactive compounds, pomegranate has been historically used to treat a variety of ailments.

  • Why GARLIC?

  • Widely used in culinary practices, garlic is a powerhouse of flavonoids and organosulfur compounds, such as allicin, which are responsible for its pharmacological effects. Allium sativum, or garlic, is suggested to be an antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic agent. Additionally, garlic may have blood lipid regulating effects, and may strengthen the endothelium and promote vascular function.


  • are water-soluble vitamins required for a variety of functions, including energy metabolism of glucose, the production of coenzymes and hormones and DNA/RNA synthesis. B3 has been shown in research to aid in the regulation of blood cholesterol levels, due to its mechanistic role in fatty acid metabolism. Furthermore, B12, B6 and folate are required for the metabolism of homocysteine, which is known to contribute to cardiovascular detriments when levels are chronically high in the body. pantothenic Acid has been shown to be good for stress and anxiety. Vitamin B12 also 


  • is a fat-soluble vitamin that is best absorbed when taken with a high fat meal. Suboptimal status of fat-soluble vitamins may result in inflammation and the progression of chronic illness. Vitamin K is a cofactor for enzymes involved in blood clotting, and functions to prevent arterial calcification by promoting calcium transport to the bones.

  • What does CO-ENZYME Q10 do?

  • also known as ubiquinone, CoQ10 is an antioxidant that is involved in the production of ATP through the electron transport chain, to provide energy to cells. CoQ10 is at its highest concentration in the heart. Statin use depletes CoQ10 levels in the body and may contribute to fatigue if not replenished.

  • What does SELENIUM do?

  • an essential trace mineral required for immune defense and oxidative metabolism. Selenium may also have a role in protecting the heart against cardiotoxic elements, and viral infections. An association between selenium deficiency and myocardial infarctions has been observed in several populations, further signifying its importance in cardiovascular health.

  • Why take a Viridian Nutrition Cardio Multivitamin?

  • Multivitamin and mineral formulations have been extensively studied with regards to cardiovascular health benefits, and its potential to reduce the risk of detrimental outcomes. It is suggested that multivitamins may help prevent the progression of atherosclerosis, due to possessing anti-oxidative vitamins and minerals that reduce oxidative damage to cells. In a substantial cohort study conducted on 18,530 men, daily multivitamin use significantly reduced major cardiovascular events and lowered the risk of cardiac revascularization by 14%, in men who reported over 20 years of multivitamin intake.
  • This result was also found in the female population, as displayed in a study conducted on American women. In another cohort of 8678 women, multivitamin use of >3 years was associated with a reduced CVD mortality risk. A recent trial carried out in a Russian population also advocates the use of a multivitamin complex to promote cardiovascular health. The RCT included 120 healthy adults, who received a multi-nutrient complex or placebo for 56 days. The nutrient complex included an array of vitamins (A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B3, B12), pomegranate, and essential minerals (magnesium, selenium, iron, chromium, copper, iodine). Blood biomarkers were evaluated at baseline, midway, and on day 56. It was observed that multi- nutrient supplementation significantly reduced serum homocysteine and inflammatory markers compared to placebo.
  • Homocysteine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid that is produced naturally in the body via the methylation pathway. When levels are elevated chronically, homocysteine is considered a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular illnesses and other conditions. In line with these results, another powerful meta-analysis observed a positive effect of Co-Q10 supplementation on endothelial function (3.7% improvement) in patients with congestive heart failure. Treatment duration averaged at approximately 12 weeks in length, where the daily dose tested started from 60mg. Another essential nutrient that is critically involved in cardiovascular health is vitamin K. Promoting arterial vessel wall health and normal blood clotting, vitamin K2 may prevent arterial stiffness and calcification that can contribute to cardiovascular illnesses. In a study involving 16,507 patients, vitamin K2 intake was associated with a 9% reduction in coronary heart disease risk.
  • In addition, another study observed a 41% reduction in CHD when individuals took higher doses of K2 (over 32ug/day). Homocysteine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid that is synthesized by the one-carbon cycle in the body. Chronically elevated plasma homocysteine levels have been characterised as an independent risk factor of cardiovascular disease progression, where a 3-5umol/L increase in Hcy contributed to a 40-60% increase in CVD15. It is understood that B-vitamins play an active role in homocysteine metabolism; namely B12, B6 and folate. Thus, supplementation with B-vitamins may improve homocysteine metabolism in order to reduce plasma levels, and in turn lower CVD risk 15-17. In a study conducted on 506 participants, B12, B6 and folate supplementation for 3 years significantly reduced atherosclerosis progression and plasma total homocysteine.
  • The regulation of blood lipids is achieved by a process called reverse cholesterol transportation (RCT). The main carriers of cholesterol in the blood vessels are known as High-Density-Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-Density-Lipoprotein. When the RCT chain is in chronic imbalance due to oxidative damage to LDL, it may lead to the development of fatty plaques in the arteries, thus impeding blood flow due to vessel constriction. Over time, this restricted blood flow can result in stroke and heart failure.


Many nutrients and natural ingredients may improve the function and regulation of the RCT chain. In a meta-analysis of garlic on cardiovascular risk factors, it was observed that supplementation (300mg- 1400mg/day) induced a significant reduction in LDL and total cholesterol (by -0.21 and -0.41mmol/L respectively)19. In another recent study conducted on patients with hypercholesterolemia, 3g of daily garlic resulted in a 10-13% decrease in serum cholesterol after 90 days of treatment. Although the exact mechanism of action is not fully understood, it is suggested that the active compounds in garlic may help inhibit hepatic synthesis of cholesterol.


Elevated blood pressure (hypertension) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular illnesses and can be caused by a multitude of factors. Dietary modifications can make a large impact on blood pressure levels, along with moderate physical activity and smoking cessation. Blood pressure is measured as two readings, known as systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. Systolic blood pressure is measured when the heart contracts, whereas diastolic is measured when the heart relaxes. A small 20mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure and a 10 mmHg reduction in diastolic blood pressure may reduce risk of cardiovascular disease by a staggering 50%.

The active polyphenols that are naturally-occurring in pomegranates has been shown to improve markers of cardiovascular health, such as blood pressure and endothelial function. In a meta-analysis of 8 trials, pomegranate juice consumption lowered both systolic (-4.96mmHg) and diastolic (-2.01mmHg) blood pressure regardless of study duration (average 12 weeks).

Active flavonoids in pomegranate may improve endothelial function, thus contributing to regulated blood pressure. Healthy endothelial function is vital to normal cardiovascular function.

These beneficial effects were also confirmed in another study, where 2-week intake of pomegranate juice (150ml/d) significantly improved systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as endothelial function as measured by serum levels of VCAM (vascular endothelial adhesion molecule).

A vitamin-like antioxidant that is found in all tissues and organs, coenzyme Q10 (Co-Q10) supplementation has been shown in research to improve blood pressure levels, due to having a direct impact on the endothelium and vascular smooth muscle. Because Co-Q10 may counteract the constriction of arterial walls, it may mediate improved blood flow and thus lower blood pressure as a result. In a recent meta-analysis of 17 trials, Co-Q10 supplementation significantly decreased systolic blood pressure. The doses administered in trials ranged between 100-900mg/day. This effect was also observed in studies with lower administered doses, where 60mg/day for 12 weeks was able to reduce systolic blood pressure in 83 people with hypertension.

In modern times, accumulating evidence is linking garlic to a magnitude of potential cardiovascular health condition benefits, including improved blood pressure and cholesterol measurements. In a significant meta-analysis conducted on the effect of garlic on blood pressure, it was observed that supplementation decreased systolic blood pressure by an average of 5.1mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure by 2.5mmHg. In hypertensive individuals, these figures were pronounced, showing more significant improvements in blood pressure levels. The 20 included studies had a total of 970 participants, where the dose ranged between 188mg-2400 mg/day.

Directions: As a food supplement take 2 capsules daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional.

Two vegetarian capsule provide:

Punica granatum) extract (40% Ellagic acid) Allium sativum) extract (4.5% Alliin) Dunaliella salina)

Ingredient Lists Weight %EC NRV
Magnesium (as citrate and ascorbate) 20mg 5
Vitamin C (as magnesium and calcium ascorbate) 150mg 188
  Pomegranate ( 100mg
  Garlic ( 100mg
Vitamin B5 (as calcium d-pantothenate) 80mg 1333
  Natural Beta Carotene/Carotenoid Mix ( 5mg

Providing (typical analysis):

Beta carotene




Alpha carotene





Vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol Succinate) (50iu) 34mg 283
Calcium (as ascorbate) 5mg 0.6
Vitamin B1 (as thiamine HCl) 25mg 2273
Potassium (citrate) 10mg 0.5
Vitamin B3 (as nicotinamide) 25mg 156
Vitamin B2 (as riboflavin) 25mg 1786
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 20mg 1429
Selenium (as methionine) 100ug 182
Vitamin K2 (MK-7) 40ug 53
Co-enzyme Q10 20mg
Zinc (as citrate) 5mg 50
Choline (as bitartrate) 5mg
Boron (as sodium borate) 1mg
Iron bisglycinate 1mg
Inositol 5mg
Vitamin D3 (Vegan) (400iu) 10ug 200
Manganese (as citrate) 1mg 50
Copper (as citrate) 1mg 100
Chromium (as picolinate) 50ug 125
Folic acid 200ug 100
Molybdenum 50ug 100
Iodine (from Kelp and potassium iodide) 150ug 100
Biotin 50ug 100
Vitamin B12 (as adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin) 100ug 4000

Providing (typical analysis):

natural Beta carotene/carotenoid mix 


Alpha carotene

