Protect yourself from the Coronavirus - some tips for you.

Posted by Mark Hamilton on

I have been forwarded some great information on the Coronavirus from the College of natropathic Medicine today which i think you will find interesting.Is the coronavirus another case of bird flu, SARS or swine flu? The flu, that thousands of people contract every year, causes many deaths.

Even though these pandemics sound pretty scary, they were brought under control and stamped out within a few months with stringent public health measures such as isolation and quarantine.

Will coronavirus be the same, or is it in a league of its own?

Let’s take a look the coronavirus facts: what is coronavirus, who’s most at risk and what are the symptoms? Learn how can you prevent coronavirus and keep your immune system strong. Take the necessary precautions and stay informed to protect yourself from the disease.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a zoonotic disease, meaning the virus has been transmitted from animals to humans. The main thing that differentiates coronavirus from other flu pandemics is that it spreads easily and widely.

As symptoms don’t appear immediately (and as severely as they did with SARS), coronavirus is harder to identify and isolate early. Many people don’t even know they’ve contracted it and they are spreading it without realising.

The other issue is, coronavirus spreads from person-to-person, transmitted through respiratory droplets when someone coughs or sneezes. The infection can also be contracted by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, which can spread to the nose or mouth if hands are not washed thoroughly.

Coronavirus v. the flu

Millions of people get flu infections every year, with the majority making a swift recovery without long-term complications.

In the following tables, we highlight how coronavirus and annual flu statistics compare and the number of coronavirus cases in the USA, UK and Ireland to date:

Flu vs. Coronavirus – Worldwide
Coronavirus Flu (annually)
Contracted the disease 129,386* 3 – 5 million
Deaths 4,749* 250,000 – 500,000

Number of Coronavirus Cases
USA UK Ireland
Contracted the disease (to date) * 1364 460 43
Deaths (to date) * 38 8 1

*These are the most recent figures at the time of writing.

Who is most at risk of coronavirus?

  • The weak elderly
  • The chronically ill and people with weakened immune systems
  • Smokers and drug users
  • Those taking medication

The majority of the coronavirus fatalities have been people over the age of 70.

Coronavirus symptoms

Symptoms usually appear between two to fourteen days of exposure to the virus. Some people may be asymptomatic.

According to our contact in Wuhan, the epicentre of the coronavirus in China, coronavirus symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
  • Pneumonia in severe cases

Wet coughs and a runny nose are not symptoms of coronavirus

Should we be worried about Coronavirus? 

With coronavirus dominating the headlines and the disease appearing to spread by the minute, it’s no wonder there is fear and angst amongst people. There is a lot of hype and misinformation in the media at present causing further confusion and anxiety.

Let’s clear something up – Covid-19 (coronavirus) is not life-threatening for most people. Compared to other global pandemics, the mortality rate is much lower.

The table shows the mortality rates for other infections:

Infection Mortality Rate
Ebola 25 – 90%
Bird flu 50%
SARS 9.6%
Measles 2%
Dengue fever 1%
Coronavirus 1 – 2%
Swine flu 0.3 – 0.6%
Seasonal flu (influenza) 0.1%

The majority of people who have contracted the disease and subsequently died have been over 50 years old with other health problems such as asthma, diabetes and chronic lung issues. Even though some children have contracted coronavirus, their symptoms appear to be mild and complications are uncommon.

As awareness and diagnosis is improving, mortality rates seem to be slowing and recovery rates improving. Don’t panic. Instead, take the necessary hygiene precautions and steps to boost your immune system to avoid getting sick.

Recommended hygiene advice

  • Wash your hands regularly and keep a hand sanitiser nearby.
  • Sneeze away from others, shielding your mouth with hand, sleeve or tissue and dispose of used tissues safely.
  • Stay home if you have a cold and are experiencing any of the symptoms above.

How to prevent coronavirus


  • Coronavirus is not heat-resistant, meaning it will be killed off in an environment of 26 – 27°C and completely disappear if exposed to the sun. Maintaining heat in the body is essential; you can achieve this by drinking hot water, eating heating foods (such as ginger, pepper and chilli) and doing exercise. (So staying in the house may not be the answer but if you do, exercise)
  • Keep your immune system strong with a balanced diet including plenty of immune-boosting foods like garlic, ginger, berries and green vegetables. We’ll be covering this in more detail in our next blog.
  • Cut down on junk food, sugar, coffee, alcohol and smoking as these bad habits have a negative effect on the immune system and can make you vulnerable to infection.
  • Support your body with immune-boosting supplements: zinc, antioxidants and vitamins A, C and D.
  • Stay active and fit as regular movement stimulates your lymphatic system, enabling your immune cells to circulate the body and kill off viruses.
  • Keep well-hydrated so your immune cells can function efficiently.


Don’t fall prey to coronavirus

With panic and hysteria mounting, we need to remain calm and take the necessary precautions to avoid catching coronavirus. Regular hand washing and self-isolation (if you have symptoms yourself) are advised. The key is keeping your immune system strong by eating healthy, foods that will boost immunity and supplementing with vitamins and minerals which support your immune system.

Watch my videos on boosting the immune system with supplements for more information.

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