Male infertility, here is how nature's pharmacy can help!

Posted by Mark Hamilton on

Male Fertility 

Infertility is described as the failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected sex. In men, infertility is usually associated with a decrease in the number, quality, or movement of sperm. There are numerous possible causes for this. Some of the causes of infertility respond well to natural remedies, while others do not. Check with your doctor for a diagnosis before trying any self-help programme.

Arginine: The mechanism for creating and maintaining an erection requires nitric acid and this is produced by a reaction involving the amino acid, arginine. The arteries supplying blood to the genitals depend on nitric oxide to allow them to relax and permit additional blood flow. The drug Viagra also works through a mechanism that increases nitric oxide production in these arteries. Arginine has also been shown to increase sperm count and quality.

Pycnogenol: Together with the pine bark extract Pycnogenol, arginine causes a significant improvement in sexual function in men with erectile disfunction, without any negative side-effects.

Zinc: A lack of zinc can reduce testosterone and semen levels. Zinc supplements may increase testosterone levels and both sperm count and fertility.

Multivitamin: A good multivitamin will include copper, selenium and vitamin E all of which have been shown to help boost male fertility.

Rhodiola Rosea: For centuries the herb Rhodiola Rosea has been prized for its virtues as a powerful stimulant and has been a major ingredient in many folk-lore love potions. Along with much anecdotal information research has shown that rhodiola can normalize prostate fluid and increase 17- ketosteroids in the urine (a key indicator of male hormone production) in men with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Ginkgo biloba: Since impotence is often due to poor genital blood flow, Ginkgo biloba is a logical and safe choice. Ginkgo's side effects are rare and may include mild upset stomach and headaches. This ancient tree is best known in this country as a decorative plant. Its leaves contain compounds so beneficial for circulatory and nervous system problems that it's among the most prescribed and well-researched herbal medicines in the world


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