Let's talk about Sex Baby - Male Libido
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Is MACA the new wonder herb to get our sex drive back
Maca and Sex Fertility and Sex Drive
Several factors can influence the frequency and intensity of libido that includes existing health conditions, age, stress, and toxin load. Psychologically lowered libido can affect both the afflicted and their partner may experience feelings of inadequacy and inability but also it may affect connection and ego.
A systematic review of three random controlled trials (RCT) and two observational studies reported favourable effects on sperm mobility in infertile men and improved semen quality parameters in response to Maca use. Given the method of data extraction the quantity and duration of maca necessary to elicit these responses was inconclusive. However, a 4-month treatment using 1500 or 3000 mg daily of Maca in 9 men aged 24-44 years was reported to increase seminal volume, sperm count and sperm motility, yet serum testosterone, estrogen and prolactin were not affected.
Sexual desire and cycling performance were investigated in 8 trained male cyclists. Each athlete completed a 40 km time trial and completed a questionnaire to assess sexual desire before and after 14 days of Maca extract or placebo supplementation in a randomized crossover fashion. The maca extract group reported an increase in sexual desire and performed superior time trails compared to baseline.
The subjective perception of general and sexual wellbeing can be impacted by mild erectile dysfunction. Subsequently, based on traditional use as an aphrodisiac, Maca was investigated in a random controlled trial of 50 Caucasian men affected by erectile dysfunction. The men were randomly allocated to receive 2400 mg of maca or a placebo. Assessment was conducted at baseline and 12 weeks using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and the Satisfaction Profile (Sat-P). After 12 weeks the maca group reported a significantly increased IIEF and psychological performance, physical and social related Sat-P score compared to baseline.
A common side effect of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor anti depressant therapy is sexual dysfunction. Subsequently, an RCT investigated the effects of Maca in 20 remitted, depressed outpatients with SSRI sexual dysfunction.
Sexual dysfunction was measured using the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASES) and the Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Function Questionnaire (MGHSFQ). Follow up was incomplete, yet 16 subjects fulfilled intent to treat criteria, in which 3 grams of maca daily produced a significant improvement in ASES and MGHSFQ score. A significantly improved libido was reported in the 10 participants who fully completed the trial. Subsequently it is considered that maca may offer relief from SSRI induced sexual dysfunction.