FREE 8 Week Challenge Program - The Diet
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Get beach body ready in 8 weeks - Let's go!
So in Spring, as I get every year, my customers were a couple of months out from their holidays and were asking for help to get into better shape in the next 8 weeks. I was getting asked so much I put a quick, fast and effective diet plan and training program together for you.
IMPORTANT NOTE! - This diet is for short term use only, do not stay on it for longer than 8 weeks.
Some of the results from this have been massive, one guy actually dropped a whopping 5 stone in the 8 weeks, came off diabetes medication and lowered his blood pressure as well as overcoming massive social anxiety.
If your determined enough you can achieve anything.
Supplements recommended on the diet are as follows
Viridian Multivitamin and Mineral Complex
The Diet
The Little Supplement Company 8 Week Ripped Challenge
Meal 1 Quadraplex Protein Shake
Meal 2 Protein and vegetables – Scrambled eggs and spinach, mushrooms and peppers
Meal 3 Protein and Vegetables – Chicken Salad
Meal 4 Quadraplex Protein Shake
Meal 5 Protein, Rice and Veggies – Steak, Broccoli and Rice
No more than 2 pieces of fruit a day
Add in Natural Yoghurt if extremely hungry
NO crap food or fizzy drinks
Put Aminos in your water through the day
Portion size – protein a fist full, veggies two fistfuls, carbs one fist full
Water 3-5 liters per day
This is boring, tiresome but bloody effective, prep your menu, write your menu, plan to succeed and you will. Nothing in life comes easy, work hard and stay focussed and you will succeed.
This is your 8 week diet and the most important part of the program.