Fancy getting Lean with a FREE Diet and Nutritional plan?
Posted by Mark Hamilton on
Fancy getting Lean with a FREE Diet and Nutritional plan?
After many years of writing diet and supplement plans for people I accept there is no such thing as a one diet suits everyone. This is why I am sometimes shocked to see people who have paid for a diet program from nutritional advisors, personal instructors or on line guru’s all getting virtually identical diets.
We have to take several factors into a diet plan and treat every client as an individual. Certain factors such as body type, do they workout or not, how much physical activity do they get in the day, do they have a physical job or sit at a desk for 8 hours, do they have allergies to certain foods etc etc.
However I am going to suggest a template that you can work to and change yourself according to you, your body type and your lifestyle.
So this template is around loosing some body fat, regardless if you go to the gym or not. If you are going to the gym you may want to give the plan a week and then adjust the carbohydrate intake accordingly.
The plan may go against what many of the magazines will tell you, or indeed government guidelines or what you get taught in your personal training college course.
This works around our insulin levels and capacity to absorb carbohydrates and convert them to fuel efficiently. The whole diet is around nutrient timing, supporting the central nervous system, detoxing the body and increasing the body’s ability of burning body fat. The diet also incorporates fats, which will horrify some people, however these are key to energy and fat burning.
Also it is very important to completely cut out the following
Fizzy Drinks, flavoured and fizzy water
Tea and Coffee
Fried foods
Gluten rich foods
Cows Milk
Cheat days – Not in this diet thank you!
How to monitor the template.
Here are a few pointers on how to adjust the plan.
After a week analyse the diet in terms of how you have felt.
If you have felt hungry increase the vegetables.
If you have felt a lack of energy either up the carbs by 10% initially and see how you get on.
If you feel full or bloated, change the carb type and amount slightly.
Initially space the meals out every 3 hours then adjust to suit you.
The Diet and Supplements.
Meal 1 3 eggs / peppers / mushrooms / ham / cheese
Multivitamin and Omega 3 and 1 Probiotic
Meal 2 A few Pieces of fruit and handful of nuts
Meal 3 Fish or white meat/ green leafy vegetables/ Peppers/ advocado/ organic cold pressed flax seed oil
Meal 4 Nut butter or Grenade protein spread on rice cakes or oat cakes
Meal 5 Fish / Vegetables / wild rice or sweet potato
Fruit with Natural Yoghurt
Omega 3
Meal 6 Whey Protein Shake with 1 scoop of coconut oil
Cottage Cheese and Pineapple
If hungry at any time eat raw vegetables.
Fruit can be mixed
Drink over 3 litres of water a day
This is an example diet that if you can manipulate to suit yourself then you can potentially have some incredible results.
Key Tips
Keep the diet varied and interesting. So use different fruits and vegetables.
Buy organic – I know its more expensive but if you cant get organic get locally sourced where possible.
Get plenty of sleep – Aim for 7-8 hours a night
Don’t go mad – small steps, don’t start killing yourself in the gym or circuits.
Invest in decent supplements – not you high street crap! Good quality supplements can make a phenomenal difference.
Don’t buy a fat burner yet! – there is a time and place to introduce fat burning supplements, but if or when you do, choose carefully.
Get Motivated – if you find it hard to keep motivated, invest in a good Personal Trainer who can push you and keep you motivated.
Last words from Mark.
Treat this as a journey, so enjoy it.